Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stupid spending and gambling isn't very smart

I read this article yesterday: http://www.helenair.com/articles/2009/02/23/top/75na_090222_fasttrain.txt

And while I typically keep politics to another site, I couldn't help but want to rant a little bit here.

Obama wants to build a train from Los Angeles to Vegas.

Why? How is that a good investment? I agree that the west could use some rail lines. But lets be practical here. If you are going to build a fast rail, why on earth would you connect the two most useless cities in the union? What about rail lines from Seattle down the coast hitting Portland, then into Berkley, Oakland, San Fran and Sacramento then down to Los Angeles? Or connect Chicago to Denver and Salt Lake City or whatever.

It's just that if massive ammounts of money are going to be poured into a project don't be so completely transparent. It's obvious someone just wanted to take the train to gamble instead of having to fly.


Blogger Michael Colvin said...

Yeah, but will there be Wheel of Fortune slots on the train? ;)

1:37 PM  
Blogger punxxi said...

the whole stimulas thing is just paying back his union backers, don't think it isn't for one second.

3:09 PM  
Blogger Jocelyn said...

You're cute when you rant.

I totally agree, even though I like to think Obama sneezes unicorns.

Hey, I've missed you. Where the hell have I been?

3:08 PM  

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