Thursday, January 18, 2007


When I get bored at work, which happens frequently, I tend to veer off the work path and check out blogs and read the news. Often I end up surfing through the daily BBC news articles and this leaves me alternately horrified, alert, slightly sick and numb.

Actually, all news does this. It's a depressing world when seen through the eyes of a news reporter. Anyway, that's most of the time. Then there are the few times where some celebrity or another comes into focus and is IN EVERY STORY!

As in the Madonna thing. I could give a crap less about her adoption. Fine, so what? She's not the first or the last rich person with a name that'll adopt some kid from a country that isn't doing quite as well as is acceptable to the rest of the world.

And yesterday? Big Brother. I've never seen the show, well not willingly. I have happened on it once or twice, moments which were followed by confusion, agonizing screams, tears and a frantic search for the remote while the roommate sobs and desperately attemps to change the channel "the old fashioned way."

So, you can imagine my response to all the news focused on this show. Yes, there were some tears, maybe a little panting to keep from being sick. I didn't scream though, I was at work after all.

Here's the thing. The show is being accused of racism against one of the contestants. I actually read one of the articles after controlling my initial panic. One girl in the house said things about the other girl, who is Indian. They were not nice things, and yes, the girl is an ignorant racist. So, sue her, kick her off the show, or better yet, cancel the stupid thing. I DON'T CARE. In fact, I'm sure very few people care what a bunch of idiots on a stupid show say. Just, please, for the love of God, and for my sanity, stop writing a half-dozen news reports on it every five or so minutes?


Blogger Biddie said...

I have never seen Big Brother, and I seem to have missed all of hubbub about it.
As for Madonna? She makes me sick. She is a soccer mom gone wrong.

1:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It IS quite vexing to take a news reading break and have nothing but articles and articles of the same mindless drivel. I'm a fan of CNN Offbeat news myself. It always makes me chuckle!

2:19 PM  
Blogger ldbug said...

life - Yeah, I'm not defending anyone, I'm just saying I hate reading story after story about people who are idiots.

molly - CNN offbeat, huh? I'll check it out! I enjoy giggling at work. I think it scares the uptight people around me:-)

2:33 PM  
Blogger Jingo said...

Celebrity BB was funny when George Galloway was doing the robotic dance in those tights...

But I haven't seen any of the new BB either. Channel 4 won't do anything because at the end of the day, racism is getting them viewers.

4:58 PM  
Blogger The Boy said...

Now here's the thing, the news wouldn't be written if people didn't read it. If it offends thee, don't read!

I briefly considered going off on a tangent about the cultural importance of the media mongering around big brother, but I don't want to make you scream again ;-)

9:28 AM  
Blogger ldbug said...

jingistoc - sadly, you are correct

boy - I only read one story so I would have my facts straight. What was annoying was that there were so many stories to avoid. Not affended, just would rather read more important news.

Good thing you avoided the tangent, I think I frighten people enough around here;-)

10:13 AM  
Blogger dilling said...

so sick of all of those shows and the made up controversy...why do we(as a nation) love this stuff so much? If I want to see everyone's awful behaviour, all I have to do is open my damn eyes around me...why the lowest common denominator all the time. Show me some altruism. Show me some courage. Show me some real life heroes... with manners. Whew. Sorry. I just want to hear a please and thank you once in a while...wink.

1:38 PM  
Blogger ldbug said...

dilling - you should pitch that idea to a TV station!

2:37 PM  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

I can't quite resist watching Big Brother, as dull and awful as it often is. Was Jade racist? I think she is simply ignorant and stupid and a bully, but I don't think she intentionally said anything she realized was racist.

1:00 PM  

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