Thursday, January 11, 2007

When is it rude?

So I've been sick. And I'm not just whining here, because I've been really, really, wish-I-had-health-insurance-to-go-to-the-doctor sick. I had to take yesterday off of work, since I spent the night vomiting up all the phlegm I've been choking on since there pretty well wasn't (isn't) anything else in my stomach. Oh, that was a joy, let me tell you, to come back to work on Tuesday, hack up a lung, then begin the chameleon trick of turning various shades of purple, green, then blanching completely. I couldn't eat lunch, barely made it to five, then stumbled out of the building toward the train. I was lucky to get a seat on the A, but at the transfer, the train was delayed. I leaned against a pole , because God forbid they put benches on the platform and prayed with every inch of my body not to throw up, pass out and get robbed. Finally the train pulled up just as I'm contemplating sitting on the ground (I'm in a skirt, in a subway station -- this is NOT a place to sit on the ground). Ah, my lucky day, the train is packed full, I barely lurch onto it, I really didn't have much other choice. It was that or stumble topside in a strange neighborhood and pass out on a police officer.

If you've ever fought the good fight to not throw up, you know the complete agony I was in. Add to that a rocking train, no seat, the smell of too many people, and crowded heat. I know my face was completely white, I was trembling, sweat was dripping off my face. I was holding onto the hand rail with both hands, a death grip is more like it, and had my teeth gritted together. I barely breathed because if I started coughing I'd start throwing up. I stared at those seats, at the perfectly happy people in those seats. I just needed to sit down, put my head on my knees. That girl looks nice maybe if I ask her...the train stopped at Carrol street and the girl I'd been imploring with my panic got up and off the train. I didn't move fast enough and another took her place. If I'd had any energy at all I'd have killed her. At Bergen street I thought about getting off the train if only to puke against the wall, then miraculously a seat opened up and I fell into it. I made the last two stops with my head on my knees, moaning softly and choking back my coughs.

That was fun. But even more fun was going to bed at 7:30pm after managing to swallow two tablespoons of applesauce and one weak swallow of water. Oh joy of all joys when I woke at 10pm and threw up all over one side of my bed. Well, I felt better. Just good enough to get out of bed, take the messed bedding to wash out in the tub (really, not much was there, remember) grab a bucket and collapse gasping onto the cleaned air mattress. I will say this, those things are easy to mop up.

So I didn't go to work yesterday. After the whole episode on Tuesday I couldn't even get out of bed, much less dare to attempt a dreaded train ride.

But I'm here now. I feel much, much better. I managed a little soup, some crackers and ginger ale yesterday, and I've almost finished an orange today. I've also succeeded in getting a few tables and documents typed up for work and made some corrections to the thesis. All well and good. A colleague has even complemented me on how I've lost weight. Ha-ha. Thank-you, but I'd rather not use the so-sick-I-can't-eat method to lose weight. I'd rather run. When I'm better.

Finally, as to the title, I ask you, when is it rude to ask someone to give up their seat on the train?


Blogger MrRyanO said...

Wow! Horrible ordeal you had to go through! Glad to ehar you are feeling a little better!

1:16 PM  
Blogger ldbug said...

Ah, it is so nice to feel better! I'm still sniffly, but just oh so much better:-)

1:43 PM  
Blogger The Boy said...

Oh blimey, what a nightmare! That throwee upee feeling is one of the worst things. Having it in a crowded train... nightmare!

1:58 PM  
Blogger Biddie said...

This is a subject that will get me climbing up on my soap box! Lookout!
NO, it would not be rude in the least. I take the bus everywhere, and I will more than happily give up my seat for someone. So will my kids. I have even beenknown to make someone give up a seat (if I'm standing) for someone that needs it.
I have developed arthritis in my right foot, and I know the agony of standing when you feel like you're going to faint. If I saw someone shuddering, shaking, and sweating, i'd give them my seat.
You could always just fall on someone. When I was expecting baby #2, I sat on a kids lap on the bus. He was taking up 2 seats, and here I was about 6 months along. He wouldn't move after I asked very politely, so I sat on him. He moved pretty quickly after that.
Glad that you're feeling better. I HATE throwing up. I would almost rather give birth than puke. Seriously.

2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im so sory ur sick
as 2 hearin stuff i wansnt born deaf so i had words n sounds already in me n thay r still in my head i try everyday 2 remeber all of it music 2

2:24 PM  
Blogger ldbug said...

boy - yeah, it's been fun

indoors - I should've thrown up on them! bet I could've gotten a seat then;-)

pup - thanks, Ok, well, still remember there are other ways to hear:-)

2:51 PM  
Blogger .:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I hate when ppl won't give up their seat for people who need it!
I could go on forever about this, but I won't.
Hope you feel better soon.

3:31 PM  
Blogger katy said...

omg poor poor you, glad you feeling a bit better, and i would have asked someone for their seat, easy just say if you dont let me sit down i will be sick all over you!

4:31 PM  
Blogger Michael Colvin said...

That is the worst feeling to think you may throw up or pass out in public. I'm glad you are feeling better!

4:52 PM  
Blogger Gardenia said...

What an ordeal. Being so nauseated is the worst, absolute worst. I carry emergency phenergan in my purse. Also hate going to work sick, always do because I think I'm not THAT sick, then when I get there, I realize I am THAT sick......sounds like that is where you were at? Hmmm, maybe busses should have drop down barf sacks?????

I sure do admire your perserverance toward your degree - take it from an old lady, you are totally right, better now than later!!!!!!!!!!! Being homesick on top of that is a heavy load! Remember - one foot at a time, one foot at a time, plod, plod, plod on! You'll get there where your heart longs to be.

7:41 PM  
Blogger ldbug said...

adult - to be fair, I didn't ask, I was too afraid of spewing if I opened my mouth

indoors - now I know to ask for the seat before the point of no return!

tod - it's kinda scary in a big city, actually. I mean, if family were close by it'd be different, coudl call for an emergency ride at least!!

gardenia - I agree with you, all public transport should have barf bags!!!

8:15 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

Hi! I'm hoping you are feeling better? You've made the mom in me all gushy crazy wanting to whip up a pot of chicken soup and force you into a hot bath and flannel jammies, it's a sickness I have to deal with...

Thanks for dropping in at my place, it's always nice to meet new people. Take good care now, 'kay?

7:46 AM  
Blogger ldbug said...

kim - I could use some mothering;-)
oh, and not quite new, I used to be Ldbug, but there was some drama last month...

10:35 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ugh, I can not imagine public transporting while sick. Glad that you survived without puking and are feeling better!

11:53 AM  
Blogger ldbug said...

My roommate tells me I should've just gotten sick on the train, than I could've had a whole car to myself!

12:31 PM  

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