Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Another British Invasion?

A few recent events have made me wonder if the British are trying to invade the U.S.!

Exhibit A: Former lab mate and good friend; Scottish
Exhibit B: Former boss; English
Exhibit C: Many former colleges; English
Exhibit D: Good friend in Memphis; English
Exhibit E: Two running partners; English
Exhibit F: Boss to be; English
Exhibit G: Brother's former roommate; English
Exhibit H: Member of best-friend's wedding party; English
Exhibit I: Three young ladies working here in Helena to earn money for University, moving into my parents house today. Apparently my parents ran into them in the neighborhood during their evening walk yesterday and the girls were asking around for cheap rooms to rent. Being parents, they were naturally worried about them and offered our house (plenty of room) for $100/wk for all three for the summer. Of course, these girls don't know what they're in for. Once I'm gone, the parental instinct will kick in to any young person around so these kids are going to get free, home cooked meals, baked cookies, tours of Yellowstone, the Gates, and maybe Glacier Park. My parents are already planning so the kids will have a great time. The girls?; you guessed it, English

So, what else can I conclude except the British are cunningly planning an invasion! And we've always been worried about our neighbors to the north. Actually, that last bit's not a joke, during WWI, the U.S. under president Woodrow Wilson, planned an invasion of Canada just in case they got too uppity! silly, silly, oh, and by the way, Saturday, the 1st of July is Canada day! We're having a party, Canadian flag togas and flannels are part of the costume;)


Blogger Heidi Grether said...

I have had a couple of British clients. Always loved them, the accent is intoxicating. My best friend from high school moved to UK, had child and now has moved back. Child is my god-daughter!

Sounds like all is well with you and your new life!

PS Photos of my projects now up!

9:35 PM  
Blogger ldbug said...

ooo good I'll check out those pics!

2:42 PM  
Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

We're sneaky like that

4:37 PM  
Blogger ldbug said...

:) that's what I'm thinking!

2:12 PM  
Blogger Furtheron said...

I work for a large US company. I work in the UK R&D section - there's about 6,000 of us here in my location. Now we've had a few US folks come this way and 1 has stayed.

The other direction.... I loose count - honestly. Of those who have work directly for or with me at least 1,2,3,4 er 5,6 okay it's at least 10! And I can think of at least a dozen more.

They want me to go again - been down this route before. Sorry I'm not one for moving away from my dear old Kent.

3:27 AM  

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