Saturday, June 17, 2006

Cat, Camping, and Roommates

Good news! I found a place and a roommate in Brooklyn, NY about a 10-15min subway ride to lower Manhattan (where I'll be working). I'm getting soooo excited about this internship. I get to help launch a new journal and get to live in a great city..albeit a city I can't afford, but at least I'll be able to look around at the people having fun and live vicariously through them:)

My roommate-to-be is another intern, and she sounds a lot like me. We only met the one time at the interviews, but we hit it off. When I contacted her about if she needed a roommate, her comments were "I'm not the neatest person, but can confine it to my room, I have a love affair with the snooze button, I kinda laugh loud, and I'm a bit of an old lady" giggle, sounds perfect to me. I do the same with the snooze, I can just see us now running each other down to get out of the apartment and catch the train to work, late as usual;)

And they take cats! So, good, my boy can come with me. Speaking of cats, poor little Stormy has an infection. It started in his toes and he got it on his nose and ears. The vet suspects it started as a fungal thing since those are common in the south and now it's a bacterial infection. I've got him pumped up on antibacterials and antifungal medications so hopefully he'll be his beautiful self soon...expensive though, but I feel it's just training for having a kid someday!

Finally, I'm heading out camping for the first time in years, soooo excited. I'll be the fifth wheel, but I'm going anyway, haven't seen these high shool buddies in a long time. It's a beautiful day outside, about 70-75 degrees F, mostly blue, and I mean blue skies, and the world smells like wildflowers and pine. Probably going to get a bit drunk tonight, stumble through the forest, stare at the stars...I'll report soon!

Oh, and Tidy and Lefty, you guys are the experts in drunk dialing! Was good to hear my Memphis friends, you kept me giggling till three in the morning, four your time!! :-)


Blogger Heidi Grether said...

I am so THRILLED for you and maybe a bit jealous of you living in the Apple. What an opportunity. Hope all goes well with your roomie. Nice she is honest enough to give you fair warning. . . don't you like that in a person?

Have a great time in the woods! Use bugspray! Hope your cat, Stormy(?) is doing better. I had to put Biscuit outside. I am just way too allergic. Nearly could not breathe in my own house! She stays near, on our porch. But she is much more guarded and less affectionate. Sad.

Well, congrats on all sides!

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the position at Nature! Don't forget...Rhode Island is only a train ride away from NYC! You better come visit us sometime! :)

8:24 PM  
Blogger Gardenia said...

Hey, hope your kitty gets to feeling better. Mine is under the weather too - I wonder if she's getting old - or picked up something at boarding when I went to Florida. Or it could just be hot! These northern states don't believe in air conditioning. Perhaps she's only conserving energy. Anyway, your kitty's infection sounds serious...keep us all posted. Good luck on the next leg of your journeys!

11:48 PM  
Blogger tideliar said...

>:) Sorry for the drunk dial (not) LMDAO

6:53 PM  
Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

Happy stumblin' n give Stormy a hug from me

2:13 PM  

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