Thursday, April 19, 2007

Respect My Athoritay!

Yes I know I misspelled "Athority" the misspelling is for the South Park joke, if you don't get it, sorry, not going to explain, just don't have the energy.

The IRS beast has come after me again. So, here's the thing, in 2004 I went through a divorce, which left me pretty short on funds for reasons I won't go into today.

Being short on funds, I withdrew all the money I had invested in a mutual funds account. As usual, in the spring of 2005, I went through all the rigmarole that is "doing your own taxes" and left 2004 behind.

Now, just this spring of 2007, the IRS has come looking for me claiming that I owe back taxes on the money I withdrew from my investment account. They claim I owe them over $800 for the entire amount of the withdrawal.

Not so.

All the money invested is POST tax, as in I've already paid taxes on that money. The only money they can tax me on is the money I made by investing, which happens to be $39.89.

In 2004, I took into account this $39.89.

So what is happening right now is the government is trying to take advantage of me through a mistake on their part for not being able to add or read or do anything remotely intelligent.

They are spending how much? in order to chase down someone they believe may possibly (and I don't) owe them $800. They have already withheld $260 from me and are "going after my assets."

I don't have any assets.

So in order to prevent this stupid IRS from seizing my cat, the $34 I have in savings, some well worn clothes and my some-day-well-in-the-future-first-born, I have to phone up the IRS at multiple intervals, file more forms proving the taxes have been paid and they (the government in general) are, in fact, a bunch of ignorant assholes.

They go after the little guy. The one who has always been a good citizen. The one who has never taken, although have often qualified for, government aid. The one who always pays her bills on time. The one who always votes. The one who works hard, is educated and who earns a mere pittance in the scheme of things.

If you happen to be one of those who feels we need more government, more of these ignorant bastards chasing after the little guy all I can say is F$#*K off. I'm done with the government, I'm tired of their bullshit. I'm pro-citizen, pro-independence, pro-doing things on your own. Uncle Sam? Big Brother? Again I say F$#*K off leave me alone, and truly was it worth all the money you've wasted to go after $40? Huh? Really?!!


Blogger The Boy said...

Oh I feel your pain.

It is a perversity of society that our systems focus the most on those who deserve it the least. Those who don't care or are too rich to care often get away. Playing by the rules, which I do every day, sometimes doesn't pay off the right way.

11:51 AM  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

And in the meantime, huge-scale perpetrators such as Enron types go unnoticed and unpunished for years at a time. It's the same the world over, I'm afraid. The small fry are far easier prey and don't have the resources or finances to defend themsleves.

11:52 AM  
Blogger dilling said...

i was audited once, too. I was 19 maybe 20, living in a roach infested illegal suite, working two jobs and still lived below poverty level, and trying to pay for college without taking any student loans...asshats!

1:46 PM  
Blogger Biddie said...

I think that Asterisk is right. If you had the money to fight this, they probably wouldn't bother with you.
I was audited once, too. I was married back then, but we were barely scraping by with 2 little kids and we had zero savings or any extras at all. We barely paid rent every month.
The gov't decided that we owed over $500. Might as well have been a milliion.
I hope that this works out for you. It's so unfair.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Jingo said...

Over here we have Inland Revenue... It's doesn't exactly strike fear into the hearts of men like IRS does it?

I'm glad I don't have to worry about taxes.

And surely you should get compensated for their mistake?

4:01 PM  
Blogger David Tellez said...

Why do I think it's terribly glamorous to be audited by the IRS? I've always felt you're a nobody until the IRS demands money from you. I mean, all the notorious Hollywood stars are always being tracked down by the FBI and the IRS and it makes for great television storylines, so I just figured... Can you tell that I've never been audited?

6:38 PM  
Blogger Meg said...

Lady, I'll be in your hood Saturday night! I'm calling you and my boyfriend is buying you a drink (I'll figure out a way!)


8:24 PM  
Blogger Pallav said...

The man is cruel.Indeed.Listen to some RATM for the required aggression and do something about it, the taxes you know.The whole government is sad.

Still, Good Luck to you!


3:38 AM  
Blogger Michael Colvin said...

I got investigated by the unemployment people once. I had only been out of work a week! A friend in one of their offices said I was an easy target because they knew they wouldn't get sworn at or attacked by me. It made their stats look good. Damn bureaucrats!

4:28 AM  
Blogger MrRyanO said...

Have a good weekend :D

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so happy we don't have to do taxes this year!

12:11 PM  
Blogger Pink said...

ah...seems you won the lottery. I think they just randomly select people for an audit, regardless of your circumstances.

I'm an auditor - not IRS - trust me - I've seen my fellow auditors. They can't add without a calculator.

Good luck LD!

1:11 PM  
Blogger Jocelyn said...

I don't know if you read Lee's blog, but she's participating in a protest this weekend in D.C. (kind of a performance thingy) and has asked for ideas of what to protest. You've got a huge issue here.

Sorry for the suckage you're enduring.

1:32 PM  
Blogger Michael Colvin said...

I love your post title. I'm gonna start shouting that at my contractors.

1:42 PM  
Blogger ldbug said...

Wow, lots of comments on this one! I guess we all feel the same all - yup, they do go after those with no money b/c we can't really fight back with lawyers and all. No worries, though, I'll get this settled, then I will write to my congressmen and straight to the president about the unjustice and the irresponsibility of the IRS. I will also write to the IRS demanding an appology letter since they may very well ruin my credit from all this! I'm not kidding either, I really will write to everyone. I've done it in the past, actually got responses too!

4:28 PM  
Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

Government departments always go after the little guy. Tried it on me years back. I got an address n went along n sneaked past their security n found the appropriate guy in his office. Went in, locked the door n he crapped himself. I took his phone off the hook and made him do his job. Ended up with a small tax rebate. Try it!!!

1:57 PM  

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