Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Luck, comes and goes

I've been playing a lot of poker lately. It's something to do other than sit Sunday I won! I won! with quad queens! There are only two other better hands possible in poker, quad kings and quad needless to say I was pretty jacked (giggle)

Anyway, last night, I was the first person out, then was maybe 4th out of 9 or so for the losers table, then again at the loser-loser table! Man, I just had to give up after that, and it was still early! Fortunately, there were plenty of my friends out and about who were either out of the game too or don't really play so we hung out for a was a good night:)

Then, later at home, I remembered an experiment I needed to prep so back to work at midnight, ended up staying up too late since by the time I got home from work (a little after 1am) Footballer's Wives was on and, well I gave in and watched it, ahhh BBC America drama!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

any hand? Any quad hand maybe...a low straight flush would have beaten you...just playing devils adovocate here

4:29 PM  

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